Alternate ending Successfully complete the game with all achievement icons. You will have a message from Solo asking that you level up the four In-Game Brothers. Do their side quests to level them up, then complete the game. An alternate sequence will appear after the credits, ending with a battle against BuraiSX.
Connection bonuses By having the any of the following GBA Games in Slot-2 of the NDS with Ryuusei no Rockman 2:
Battle Network Rockman EXE Battle Network Rockman EXE 2 Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 Battle Network Rockman EXE 3 Black Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP Rockman EXE 4: Tournament Red Sun Rockman EXE 4: Tournament Blue Moon Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation Rockman EXE 5: Team Of Blues Rockman EXE 5: Team Of Colonel Rockman EXE 6: Cyber Beast Greiga Rockman EXE 6: Cyber Beast Falzer
And either still in or taken out after a saved game. A New Mail message with Goyouda Heiji will be obtained. He'll want you to get Data found in the different Radio Networks.
1/XX: Kodama Town Post Box Radio Network (Already Unlocked)
3/XX: TK Tower 1 Old Binocular Radio Network (Inspect at OphiuchusQueen Scenario)
7/XX: Food Town Forgotten Ice Statue Radio Network (Already Unlocked)
9/XX: Donbura Lake Area 1 Sunken Ship Radio Network (After CondorGeograph Scenario)
11/XX: Nansca Lower Wall Radio Network (After CondorGeograph Scenario)
The Data Items are Diary Entries of an Old Protanganist and also can be read in Items for each of them. Obtaining all of the Data Items gives you an Mail from the Old Protanganist with the "EXE Blaster" attached. Which stats are AT1 | RA5 | CH1.
Slot-2 is also Region Locked for bonuses. Meaning Slot-1's Game must be in Japanese if you want to use Japanese Slot-2 Carts and vice-versa.
Summon Legend Cards Use these passcodes on the War Rock screen after pressing select.Press in order as shown to get this combo card.
[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q] [B] [F] [J] [N] [R] [C] [G] [K] [O] [S] [D] [H] [L] [P] [T]Code: | Result: | DMBONC | Fuumashipuujin (Green Shinobi'sSpecial Attack) | HQFSRG | Genocide Blazer (Fire Dinosaur's Special Attack) | GFRQIA | Summon Legend Card (Ai's Favourite' cards) | AIQFRG | Summon Legend Card (Akane's Favourite cards) | RCGIQF | Summon Legend Card (Amachi's Favorite cards) | DOTNLC | Summon Legend Card (Gonta's Favourite cards) | IQFRCG | Summon Legend Card (Heiji's Favorite cards) | FRGAIQ | Summon Legend Card (Ken's Favourite cards) | CODLTN | Summon Legend Card (Kizamaro's Favourite cards) | OCLNDR | Summon Legend Card (Luna's Favourite cards) | LNRDCO | Summon Legend Card (Misora's Favourite cards) | GRCFQI | Summon Legend Card (Solo's Favourite cards) | TNCLOD | Summon Legend Card (Tsukasa's Favourite cards) | PFRHGS | Thunderbolt Blade (Thunder Berzerker's Special Attack) |
Blank Card Wave Command Open the Wave Command Editor of a Blank card, input the codes below and the Blank cards will becomes the battle cards.
[A][E][I][M][Q] [B][F][J][N][R] [C][G][K][O][S] [D][H][L][P][T]Code: | Result: | RFTELQ | All Poison | RFTEPQ | Aqua +30 | GEMRQF | Count Bomb | MBHLPA | Destroy Upper | TEQPFR | Elec +30 | QFRLTE | Extimeteor | QFRPTE | Fire +30 | RFTELQ | Get All Poison | RFTEPQ | Get Aqua + 30 | TAMPBN | Get Burai Sword | RGSHPA | Get Burai Sword EX | SGPAHR | Get Burai Sword SP | GEMRQF | Get Count Bomb | QFRGSE | Get Crown Thunder | RFSEGQ | Get Crown Thunder EX | SEQGFR | Get Crown Thunder SP | PARHGS | Get Cygnus Wing | CGSHPA | Get Cygnus Wing EX | SGPAHC | Get Cygnus Wing SP | MBHLPA | Get Destroy Hook | DOTELQ | Get Dragon Sky | TEQLOD | Get Dragon Sky EX | QSDLTE | Get Dragon Sky SP | TEQPFR | Get Elec + 30 | QFRPTE | Get Fire + 30 | MBNPTA | Get Giant Axe | MQFRGE | Get Green Meteor | NBTAPM | Get Ice Meteor | DSPAHM | Get Impack Hook | DSTELQ | Get Leo Kingdom | PACHGS | Get Libra Balance | GOSHPA | Get Libra Balance EX | TEQLFR | Get Libra Balance SP | TEQLFD | Get Muramasa Blade | HBPALM | Get Parazyle Grenade | MSDHPA | Get Plasma Spread | LFTEPQ | Get Power Song | QFDLTE | Get Pulse Noise | TEQPFL | Get Quake Song | PAMHSD | Get Search Missile | PAMLBH | Get Sonoc Sword | QODLTE | Get Trip Song | DFTELQ | Get Warrior Brand | QFRGTE | Get Wolf Forest | RFTEGQ | Get Wolf Forest EX | TEQGFR | Get Wolf Forest SP | QFLPTE | Get Wood + 30 | FQGERM | Get Zetsuen Meteor | QFRLTE | Get Zetsumetsu Meteor | MBNPTA | Giant Axe | MQFRGE | Green Meteor | NBTAPM | Ice Meteor | DSPAHM | Impact Hook | TEQLFD | Muramasa | HBPALM | Paralyze Grenade | MSDHPA | PlasmaSprd | LFTEPQ | Power Song | QFDLTE | Pulse Noise | PAMHSD | Search Missile | PAMLBH | Sonic Blade | DFTELQ | Warrior Soul | QFLPTE | Wood +30 | FQGERM | Zetsuen Meteor |
Omega Xis Wave Command Code B,screen On the Omega-Xis screen, press select, and then select yes on the input the code
[A][B][C][D][E] | [F][G][H] [I] [J] | [K][L][M][N][O] | [P][Q][R][S] [T] |
Each letter coresponds to a location on the touch screen. Follow the sequences listed below and tap the location on the screen. Part of the most right screen is a dead zone where a code can't be imputed. Don't worry if it doesn't show up and try tapping a little to the left.
*Note: any link power gained via Wi-Fi brother band is negated when using this ability. To restore Link power, go to Omega Xis, and then scroll over to mega man. Press A, and turn it off. You can allways go back and turn it on laterCode: | Result: | G, P, S, A, C, E | Black Card-Able to buy from traders at Alt. IFL Twr2 ER | T, O, Q, D, C, B | Bob Copper's Thank-You letter-AmbshPanel | B, D, F, I, Q, T | Bud's Supplies- ChargeV LV1 | B, D, F, O, Q, T | Capable Woman-Kuromi Kurofuku-Battle Cards Parlyzplus Attack+10 | T, Q, O, L, B, A | Enigmatic Zenny- 20000 Zenny | S, N, P, K, B, A | Express Company ES- Today in the Sun- 50000 Zenny | I, Q, T, B, D, F | Gift from Sonia- Battle Cards Invisible, Barrier, Holy Panel | O, Q, T, A, B, L | Gold Card-Able to buy from traders at Alt. IFL Twr2 ER. | B, C, L, O, Q, T | Gontaga Festival-FireRing3, DnceFire3, Heatuppr3 | N, P, S, A, B, K | Luna's School Fees-10000 Zenny | N, P, S, A, C, K | Platinum Card-Able to buy from traders at Alt. IFL Twr2 ER | S, P, Q, N, K, I | Poket Money from Mom-1000 Zenny | O, Q, T, B, C, D | Present from Aaron-GigaMine | P, Q, S, I, K, N | Present from Legendary Master Shin-ChargeV Lv1 | Q, S, T, J, L, O | Present from Luna- HP+200 LV 1 | T, O, Q, L, J, A | Produce Expences- 5000 Zenny | T, I, Q, F, D, B | Rich's Dirty Money- 10000 Zenny | Q, G, T, B, R, E | Shaman's Insight- Firesrch, Aquasrch, Elecsrch, Woodsrch, | A, C, E, N, P, S | Souvenir from Ken-AntiSword | O, R, I, P, S, K | Tramsform into Rogue Mega Man! HP+850Attack+4Rapid+4 Charge+4Gauge+3 Megachip+2GigaChip+1 Autoequip undrshrt,flotshoe, fstbarr.* | T, Q, S, O, L, J | Zack's supplies- HP+LV 2 |
DX level Bosses Press Select at the Omega-Xis screen to enter the following passwords. Refer to the targets as a grid, arranged with the following alphabetic designations. Tap the targets in the indicated order to turn SP Bosses into DX Bosses. They will now have more health and stronger attacks.
A E I M Q B F J N R C G K O S D H L P TCode: | Result: | DSTELO | AplloFlmDX | HBFSRG | CancrBubblDX | BFRGSQ | DrkphntmDX | FNCODB | GemnSprkDX | SQBGFR | GenAurgaDX | GRHBSF | HarpNoteDX | OSDLTE | HollowDX | FRGSHB | KngFooKdDX | DOTELG | PlsioSrfDX | QFRGSM | QnOphiucaDX | GODLTE | RogueDX | TEOLSD | TaurusFireDX | TEGLOD | TrraCndrDX | RFSQGB | YtiBlzrdDX |
Cipher Mail Compose a message to Legendary Master Shin and for the title put "Cipher"(<-Exactly like that) & type in the code.Password: | Result: | KREREDZREBNUREHT | Get plasmagun2 battlecard | OTIBNER | Gives you SrchEye | BRITEINKG | Recover 200 | BRITEINKG | Recover200 | INWOJAODN | White Meteor |
Achievement icons Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding icon on the menu with the "New Game" and "Continue options". Earn all the icons to unlock an alternate title screen.
- G Comp Star: Collect all 5 Giga Class Cards.
- M Comp Star: Collect all 42 Mega Class Cards.
- Mu Continent Star: Defeat RaMu Xa.
- OoPart Star: Defeat ApollonFlame.
- Rockman Star: Complete the main story line.
- S Comp Star: Collect all 150 Standard Class Cards.
Alternate final Boss Unlock all the achievement icons. Play through the game again to fight the Xa version of the final Boss. |